Arm Board Assembly 5174186
5174186 | |
Resonancia Magnética | |
Discovery 750 3.0T | |
GE HealthCare Colombia S.A.S | |
GE HealthCare | |
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- High impact with is a fire retardant
- Possess high tensile strength
- Corrosion resistant and high ductility
- Wear-resistant
Descripción del producto
The Arm Board Assembly for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is used in DVw GEM Table, Table Assembly 16 Channel 3T and 1.5T, MR PET Patient Table, HDV Table-32 Channel-3T, 1.5T, HDv Table Surgical Suite II and DVw Table Surgical Suite II. It consists of a blow molded board, base plate, lever, shoulder screw, brass, oval point socket set screw, extension spring, cable casing, cover and adjustment screw. The blow molded board is made from Cycoloy C3650 by blending ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) materials that feature good extrusion, tensile strength and durability.
Características adicionales
- RoHS compliant