Lens Dash™ 4000 - Opaque White
2002218-004 | |
Patient Monitoring | |
G Barco SA | |
GE HealthCare | |
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- UL 94V-0 certified
- Good Processability
- UV Resistant
- High toughness at low temperatures
Product Overview
The Lens Dash™ 4000 is a lens that is used in Dash™ Monitors, which are a portable and easy-to-use device. They are a designed monitor with a fixed set of parameters, including ECG, non-invasive blood pressure, impedance respiration, SpO₂ and temperature. Invasive Pressure, BISx and ETCO₂ are additional features that are available. Additional specialized features include cardiac output, cardiac calculations and pulmonary calculations. The device has 2 different types of lens, clear lens and opaque lens. Clear lens is used to enable light whereas opaque lens is used to disable alarm light. The alarm light is fixed at the top of Dash™ 4000 monitors. The LED indicator blazes red for crisis patient status and yellow for warning patient status and system alarms. The opaque lens is made from Bayblend® FR3010HF material. The Bayblend product has good heat resistance, high dimensional accuracy, stability and low moisture absorption. The unique composition of this material offers good elongation and tensile strength at break and yield. This lens is being used in UL Vivid E9, ARC Avance Carestation, Dash™ 3000/4000/3000 Refurb/4000 Refurb/5000 systems.
Additional Features
- Excellent creep resistance
- Low emissions for automotive interiors
- Excellent impact strength
- Heat resistant up to 142° C